A4__Annual report final draft 4.7.22 v15

COVID-19 Backlog Funding In FY 2021-22, California Courts received their portion of $60 million in one-time funding available through June 30, 2023. This funding is being provided to help relieve some of the pressure on courts overwhelmed by case backlogs. SBSC received approximately $6 million locally and used these funds for over 13,000 hours of overtime and nearly 8,100 hours of extra-help provided through returning retirees and short-term help through temporary employment agencies. Case filing backlog and backlog resulting from changing legislation are seeing improvements. The second project funded was for remote appearance equipment in courtrooms such as video equipment, sound equipment, etc. which supports extensive remote access to court proceedings on a permanent basis beyond the pandemic. Although grant funding allowed for the immediate purchase of technology, equipment, and on-going maintenance, upgrades and replacements will become an on-going localized expenditure to ensure court users have a choice to conduct their business remotely in the future.


COVID-19 caused a tidal wave of workplace impacts especially to services directly received by the public. The budget crisis put holds on filling existing vacancies, and the pandemic resulted in missed work due to quarantining, illness, and school closures. Altered court operations resulted in delayed processing as a result of court closures. Remote access, though extremely positive, still posed a wide range of challenges and benefits for litigants, attorneys and court staff.

Pandemic Backlog

Filing Vacancies

Remote Access

Altered operations and pandemic related absences increased SBSC’s case backlog. Using a strategic approach, with one-time backlog funding from the State, SBSC made great strides in reducing backlog by the end of 2021.

SBSC has been working diligently and carefully to fill existing vacancies within budget and also prioritizing those with the most impact operationally and for the public. This process was delayed due to continued COVID impacts and job market conditions.

Court users and attorneys leveraged remote technology to attend hearings, including through

Zoom, while also protecting themselves from exposure to COVID-19.



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