A4__Annual report final draft 4.7.22 v15
“T his is a good start in the right direction and I/ we look forward to collaborating to proactively bring about progressive change for this region ” - A nonymous T ownhall P articipant
DASH launched online in 2020 and has since gained 12,549 registered users, assisted with over 9,000 requests, 1,000 Live Chats, and is accessible from 19 countries. DASH assists roughly 40% of its users after normal business hours and on the weekend. DIRECT ACCESS TO SELF HELP (DASH)
In 2021, the court transitioned probate, child support, Lanterman- Petris-Short (LPS) and family law cases onto Odyssey. On June 28, Court Access Portal “CAP,” launched for public access to case information ONLINE CASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
Remote townhalls were established in 2020 as a way to communicate to the public about eliminating bias. In 2021, we continued the discussions on mental health and homelessness with over 500 listening in collectively. In 2021, judges continued to do community outreach and partnered with local schools to conduct Mock Trials and teach lessons on civics.
online improving stability and performance for court users.
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