FINAL 2021 Annual Report 4.12.22
Ensuring health and safety in the court during the pandemic has been a critically important issue to providing fundamental court services to the public. COVID-19 has required SBSC to act quickly and decisively to keep all court users, attorneys, judicial officers, and staff safe. In 2021, while enduring the third and fourth wave of COVID-19, SBSC endeavored to slow the spread of the virus while keeping a productive court environment. SBSC focused on increasing access to justice while balancing the on-going health and safety challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Physical distancing & capacity limits began to lift in 2021, increasing public services similar to pre-pandemic levels.
In early 2021, courts were designated as emergency services and vaccines became readily available to all judicial officers and staff.
In 2021, we saw two COVID variants of concern that impacted our community and the court greatly.
Court services were reduced, including phone hours, with a focus on online not in-line services.
Twenty-six emergency orders were executed in 2021 on limiting capacity, proceedings, jury trials, courthouse access, and masking.
COVID-19 continues to have an impact on staffing, including school closures that prevented employees from working.
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